Let’s talk carpets


Dust and soiling, Skin cells, hair, clothing fibres, bacteria, dust mites, bits of dead bugs, soil particles, pollen, and microscopic specks of plastic - all these are in our homes and workplaces.

Regular vacuuming will always help remove some of these particles to keep a clean and hygienic home, however over time, this build up of particles mixes with other elements like skin oils from ourselves and our pets, and it forms a bond with the carpet fibres that can’t be removed by simple vacuuming.

When the build-up becomes too much for the vacuum to remove, professional carpet cleaning is the only way to restore them back to a clean and hygienic state.

We utilise a process called Hot Water Extraction to effectively and efficiently clean carpeted areas and rugs :)


Current 24’ pricing. Subject to change.


One-room carpet cleaning.

Start here; one-room or space in your home deep cleaned for just 85.


Two-rooms carpet cleaning.

For example, your main living & dining space + bedroom.


Additional rooms.

For additional rooms, simply add-on for 45 per room.


Hallways, Corridors, Stairways*.

Hallways, Corridors, Landings, Stairs, Rugs - add these on for just 40 per area.

*(Add-on service).

Add-on services

We offer add-on services at a discounted rate, so you can build a cleaning bundle to suit your home :)


Lounge deep cleaning*.

Fabric or leather upholstery need cleaning? No worries, add your full fabric or leather suite on for just 30 per seat or section. For example, a sofa that seats 3 x people would be just 90 :)

*(Add-on service).

85 60*

Car seat deep clean*.

Car seats need cleaning? No worries, add these on for just 60.

*(Add-on service).

40 25*

Add-on child’s car seat or pram*.

Add-on a clean of your child’s car seat or pram for just 25/seat.

*Add-on service.

85 60*

Dining chair set cleaning*.

Dining chairs looking worse for wear? No worries, add these on for just 60.

*(Add-on service).


Carpet cleaning, like all cleaning, is a matter of simple chemistry.

The soiling clings to the carpet fibres with a bond that is slightly acidic in nature. Our process, in a nutshell, is to use a cleaning detergent that is slightly alkaline in its pH value. This simple alkali detergent, when used on the carpet will help soften the dirts acidic bond.

This then allows us to gently rinse, flush and extract the dirt and soiling from the carpet fibres, leaving it fresh, clean and hygienic.

Our process

We’ve developed our processes over years, and hundreds and hundreds of carpets! Like with all processes, to get the best results it’s always recommended to follow end-to-end :)


We rake the carpet using our specialist carpet rake. This helps loosen dirt, dust, hair, soiling and dried-on elements (food/drink etc).

Raking also helps move the carpet fibres into a more uniform direction - breaking up clumps and matted areas to aid the vacuum and the extraction.


We’ll then vacuum the carpet areas thoroughly with our commercial vacuum to remove as much dirt as we can! (Larger items of loose debris can end up clogging the extraction wand)

Simple vacuuming can actually remove a lot more dust and dirt than you might think! It’s the soiling that is stubborning bonded to the fibres we are looking to target with the extraction machine.


Remember the chemistry? Our powerful, but safe UCC cleaning agent with that slight alkali pH value is misted onto the carpet. This is allowed to dwell for around 4-5 minutes in order to do its work and loosen the dirt.

The detergent gently breaks down the dirt and dusts bond with the carpet fibres, and holds it suspended - ready for extraction.

Spotting & agitation

Stubborn areas may require additional attention - slightly different detergents may be used to assist in breaking down certain areas. Simple agitation of the areas can also assist in preparing these areas for extraction.

Rinse & Extract

We use a commercial cleaning machine and a technique called Hot Water Extraction to flush and rinse the carpet fibres. We spray pressurised clean, hot water onto the carpet to rinse the fibres clean - whilst simultaneously extracting the dirty water into a waste tank on the machine.

A number of passes may be used in order to remove as much soiling as possible, and to extract as much water from the carpet as we can to help drying times.

The clean hot water has a rinse-agent element added to it to neutralise the cleaning agent, bringing the pH values back to neutral (pH 7.0) and leaving the carpets fresh, clean and hygienic.


Finally, we re-rake the carpet to separate the fibres and assist in airflow and drying.